Register Here for: JAGmedia GOLD Hour


Join us live online every third Wednesday of the month for quality connection and learning in ONE Golden Hour.

No need to wait for hours to introduce yourself and or feel like your competing at a pitch fest.

Connect with real entrepreneurs who want to network, collaborate and create new opportunities.

 JAGmedia GOLD Hour is  a live online show for networking and learning gold nuggets from global industry leaders on 3rd Wednesday of the month, hosted by Janet Gervers.


 JAGmedia GOLD Hour is  a live online show for networking and learning gold nuggets from global industry leaders on 3rd Wednesday of the month, hosted by Janet Gervers.

The virtual event is going on its third year with a focus on quality connections - if you're tired of pitch fests, you're in the right place. 

Learn More

Reserve Your Spot  for: JAGmedia GOLD Hour


Look for an email in your inbox from with event details and Zoom code.